Packing List

01. Kelty Redcloud 5600 Backpack
02. Personal Information Sheets (Main Pack, Money Belt, & Day Pack)
03. Loose Items (Generally Placed in Various Pack Pockets)
03a. REI Duck's Back (100L) -- Rain Cover for Pack
03a. REI Polar Pod +20 Sleeping Bag
03a. Toilet Paper THIS IS A MUST!
03a. Fleece
03a. Merrell Low-Cut Hiking Boots
03a. Teva Flip Flops
03a. "Fat Tire" Hat
03a. Wool Hat & Gloves
03a. Watch
03a. Sunglasses
03a. Small Quick-Dry Towel
03a. Belt
03a. Travel Alarm Clock
03a. Extra Ziplock Bags
04. Money Belt
04a. Airline Ticket
04a. Driver's License
04a. Debit Card
04a. Healthcare Card
04a. Passport
04a. Cash
04a. MARTA Token
05. JanSport Day Pack
05a. Day Pack Belt Loop Connector (Self-Made Lock for Cafes, etc.)
05a. "How Soccer Explains the World" by Franklin Foer
05a. Journal
05a. Mini Notepad
05a. Playing Cards
05a. Mini Tri-Pod
05a. Canon PowerShot A80 Digital Camera
05a. 512 MB Compact Flash Memory Card
05a. 32 MB Compact Flash Memory Card
05a. AA Batteries for Camera
05a. (2) Pens
05a. (2) Mini Purell Sanitizer Bottles
05a. Small Lock
05a. Everyday Wallet
05aa. Credit Card
05aa. Cash
05aa. Old American University ID
05a. Fake Wallet
05aa. Expired Credit Card
05aa. Small Amount of Cash
06. Self Care Supplies (In Ziplock Bags in Top Compartment of Pack)
06a. Main Bag
06aa. Deodorant
06aa. Toothbrush (in Holder)
06aa. Toothpaste
06aa. Floss
06aa. Small Mouthwash Bottle
06b. Shower Bag
06bb. Shampoo/Conditioner
06bb. Body wash
06c. Meds Bag
06cc. 14 Daily Vitamins Always bring 'em, never take 'em
06cc. Throat Drops
06cc. Sinus Pills
06cc. Pain Pills
06d. Everything Else Bag
06dd. Mini Hand Lotion
06dd. Band Aids
06dd. Gold Bond Mini Bottle
06dd. Carmex Chap Stick
06dd. Tweezers
06dd. Potable Aqua - Water Tablets
06e. Sanitizer Bag
06ee. (2) Mini Purell Sanitizer Bottles
06f. Bug Spray Bag
06ff. OFF! Fresh Scent 15% Deet
06g. Sunscreen Bag
06gg. Banana Boat Sport SPF 30
07. Eagle Creek Cube: Red
07a. Red Bandana
07a. Green Bandana
07a. (5) Boxer Shorts
07a. (3) Short Black Socks
07a. (2) Long Black Socks
08. Eagle Creek Cube: Blue
08a. Red Baseball Shirt (100% Polyester)
08a. Navy Baseball Shirt (100% Polyester)
08a. Blue Baseball Shirt (Cotton)
08a. Green Hurley T-Shirt
09. Eagle Creek Cube: Black
09a. Mesh Shorts
09a. REI Cargo Shorts
09a. Loose Thailand Pants
10. Eagle Creek Flat Fold
10a. Rain Coat
10a. Brown Button-Up Shirt
10a. Blue Jeans
10a. Cargo Pants
(Other Gear Left in Hostel Storage)
01. Kelty Redcloud 5600 Backpack
02. Personal Information Sheet (Main Pack)
03. Loose Items (Generally Placed in Various Pack Pockets)
03a. REI Duck's Back (100L) -- Rain Cover for Pack
03a. REI Polar Pod +20 Sleeping Bag
03a. Toilet Paper
03a. Fleece
03a. Merrell Low-Cut Hiking Boots
03a. Teva Flip Flops
03a. "Fat Tire" Hat
03a. Wool Hat & Gloves
03a. Watch
03a. Sunglasses
03a. Small Quick-Dry Towel
03a. Belt
03a. Extra Ziplock Bags
03a. "How Soccer Explains the World" by Franklin Foer
03a. Journal
03a. Playing Cards
03a. Mini Tri-Pod
03a. Canon PowerShot A80 Digital Camera
03a. 512 MB Compact Flash Memory Card
03a. 32 MB Compact Flash Memory Card
03a. AA Batteries for Camera
03a. (2) Pens
03b. Everyday Wallet
03bb. Credit Card
03bb. Cash
03bb. Old American University ID
03c. Money Belt
03cc. Airline Ticket
03cc. Driver's License
03cc. Debit Card
03cc. Healthcare Card
03cc. Passport
03cc. Cash
03cc. MARTA Token
04. Self Care Supplies (In Ziplock Bags in Top Compartment of Pack)
04a. Main Bag
04aa. Deodorant
04aa. Toothbrush (in Holder)
04aa. Toothpaste
04b. Meds Bag
04bb. Throat Drops
04bb. Sinus Pills
04bb. Pain Pills
04c. Everything Else Bag
04cc. Band Aids
04cc. Gold Bond Mini Bottle
04cc. Carmex Chap Stick
04cc. Tweezers
04cc. Potable Aqua - Water Tablets
04d. Sanitizer Bag
04dd. (2) Mini Purell Sanitizer Bottles
04e. Bug Spray Bag
04ee. OFF! Fresh Scent 15% Deet
04f. Sunscreen Bag
04ff. Banana Boat Sport SPF 30
05. Eagle Creek Cube: Red
05a. Red Bandana
05a. (2) Boxer Shorts
05a. (2) Short Black Socks
06. Eagle Creek Cube: Blue
06a. Red Baseball Shirt (100% Polyester)
06a. Navy Baseball Shirt (100% Polyester)
07. Eagle Creek Cube: Black
07a. REI Cargo Shorts
08. Eagle Creek Flat Fold
08a. Rain Coat
08a. Cargo Pants
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Strange - no Lonely Planet or Rough Guide. Did you go without a guidebook? Did you do all your planning over the internet?
Anyway, this is a great read. You capture the experience well. If I ever make it back to S. America again, I know the first website I'll read for travel ideas.
Thanks for checking out the site. Yeah, I pretty much did all my research on the internet and on the fly. That said, having a guidebook may have made some moments a little easier. But I was fine. BootsNAll and Lonely Planet's Thorn Tree Forum are great places to get ideas from other travelers.
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